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Thursday, June 10, 2004
It's been almost 2 weeks since I've arrived at Melbourne and started school at Camberwell Girls' Grammar School, and there's been a lot of events happening. So here's just an account of Week 2 (this week), so far.

Tuesday, the school took us to this Electoral Education CEntre during Politics class. Here we learnt about the voting system, how it works, the political history of Australia, and the government (a representative democracy). It was a very enlightening and enriching excursion.

On Wednesday, for the Drama elective, the teacher took us to the ABC (Australian Broadcast COmpany) TV Studios to see how tv shows are made. We participated as an audience in this quiz show called "The Einstein Factor". It was rather long but I think I learnt quite a lot about what goes on behind TV shows. It isn't as smooth as it seems on the TV screen.

Yesterday (Thursday) we went to the Penguin Parade at Philip Island. It was really interesting! Firstly, the bus ride to Philip Island was a scenic one. We passed by large expanses of farmlands, pastures, and gently rolling grassy hills. Though I don't think I'll be able to visit the farmlands in outer Melbourne, given the limited time I still have left, I think viewing the stretches of farms from the bus should be enough. There was a large variety of farms I saw: cows, bulls, horses and even sheep sometimes. I took some nice photographs from the bus, courtesy of the digicam's fast aperture / shutter time.

Finally we arrived at Penguin Parade at Philip Island. The beach was quaint and lovely, and the waves were furious and strong, with the waves in Singapore paling greatly in comparison. When night set, little spots of white and black could be spotted popping out from the covers of the ocean -- the fairy penguins. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I only got to catch sight of a few dozens of penguins waddling from the ocean onto the beach, instead of the hundreds I expected. Finally it was time to go. The experience was an enjoyable one though.

Today was another schoolday. I woke up to find a foggy morning greeting me. It was colder than usual (maybe around 10 deg C?), but the foggy atmosphere was beautiful, and it was the first time I've seen fog I think. I took quite a few snapshots of the foggy streets near school.

I had French class today -- I believe it was the most fantastic lesson I've had! We baked a cake looking at a recipe written in French! (I think the cake was called a co-coz or something like that -- honey and milk cakes) Of course I didn't know how to read French (though I could figure out the ingredients from the recipe), my partner translated it to English for me. At the end, I baked a lovely cake! It was really delicious and sweet to eat. I gave quite a few slices to Jen and other friends here, and am going to give the rest to Carolyn. Hopefully the cake will still be warm by the time I get back. It's a wonderful experience, baking! We also made some lovely mint tea.

I'm not sure what we're going to do this weekends, but I think Jen's taking me to watch a movie. We're also going to Melbourne CBD again and we're going to catch a game of AFL (Australian Football League) at the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Grounds).

So far, money-wise, I've spent about $40. I've bought some fudge (famous delicious Australian choc / sweet). I'm planning to give some away and bring the remaining bars back. I'm also planning to buy some Vegemite (a very famous Australian breadspread, it's actually concentrated yeast extract, very healthy, and has lots of Vitamin B's.) back home. I've bought some postcards too.

Ah! Life here sure is good.

Friday, April 30, 2004
Some funny test from www.tickle.com

personally I don't think it's accurate. sure I want success and I seek for what I want in life, but no, I don't crave for "attention, limelight, and millions of fans", though I do appreciate a little attention sometimes.

But above all, I just want to live a happy, fulfilled, fun-filled life.

Lucrative lifestyle is a bonus.

"you have to love what you do, or else your performance slips" -- this is quite true though.

--test results--

Lin, you're a Rock Star!

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Rock Star which means you are a Success / Seeker Your primary sub-type is defined by "Success" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics.

That means you crave attention, the limelight, and the fawning admiration of millions. Chances are you have a bevy of fans and friends, and you like knowing how much others appreciate you. On top of this, you're a go-getter and you really shine under pressure.

How do we know all this? How do we know that you believe in making a good impression? How could we have divined that you have to love what you do, or else your performance slips?

Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions ? questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance ? the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Rock Star.

And that's just scratching the surface.

This's a funny love test coped from 'Manda's blog, and the questions are on animals basically, but it seems they have a weird way of interpreting that into your love life. =S hey but I DO like horses!

Test URL: http://www.naucon.net/misc/tests/love_test01.htm

1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and

2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is patience, never give up on you.

3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is optimistic.

4. What you hate most in your partner is that the person is
ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.

5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is that both of you can talk about everything and
anything, no secret is kept.

6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.

7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.

8. At this moment, you don't want to be tied down by a steady
relationship, you just want to flirt around.

hmmm....err, Question 8 is...erm...rather... inaccurate? *thinks Ryoma* =P *waves a white Fila cap, a Seigaku tshirt and a red tennis racket around* haha.

Friday, April 09, 2004
Alas, 2 weeks have passed (forget the numerics, I'm rather hopeless at Math) before I blog again. So let me try to recount (however disjointed the sections of recount are; forgive me :p) the main events that has happened. Wait, let me try recounting in terms of TOPICS, instead of chronological order, because I absolutely cannot remember what happened on a day by day basis...
(Alert: System check has detected memory leakage due to system overload that could possibly slow down the system. i.e. due to stress my brain juice is leaking.) :S So here goes:

1. Debates / JGs: Team 1 lost to SCGS 1. It's sad, but life goes on. And Team 1 did GREAT! I mean, for all of us, who've only started debates 3 months, or at most 5 months before, it's really quite good. Well, there's still the JC Invitationals (hmmm, how about a Nanyang Invitational? :p) and next year's JGs to look forward to. We'll be back. Definitely.

2. CAP: Oh my gosh I actually got into CAP!! *happiness* Come to think of it, I'm actually thankful I didn't get in last year, but got in this year. This year's going to be much more fun, I can tell -- it's residential! I mean, when you actually have a residential camp, there's more of a kind of camp spirit there, instead of just a series of day workshops and talks. Isn't it?

3. Bonesetter's Daughter play: Argh, I can't believe myself. I actually forgot to ask Miss Ng earlier about the auditions! Anyway for all 3/6'ers, auditions are likely to be next week, but I don't know when. It seems everyday on the calender is filled. :S

4. Group outing to watch "Prince and Me"; yesterday (Thurs): What can I say, but that it was...a streak of colour in a whole week of monochrome! One setback: At Lido I was searching for the toilet for a total of 20 minutes! I went upstairs and walked 2 times around the whole level but never found the toilet. Finally I had the sense to check downstairs for the toilet and found it. Zilch sense of direction is just a bonus. I suppose armchair critics would sit back in their chairs and go, "Hmmm...this is good and that is good, but overall, the plot has little dimension." (in other words: stupid bimbo movie) But hey, we need that every once in a while to rejuvenate ourselves with laughter.

And speaking of laughter, there was this particular incident which I still laugh at whenever I recall. The movie had ended, and WuF was complaining that she shouldn't have bought such a big tub of popcorns because we only finished 1/6 of it. I was asking her how much did she eat, and she held the tub with one hand, measuring the level with the other hand. "This much," she said. Then smart me, being the active and itchy-fingered person that I am, tapped / poked the popcorn tub with ONE FINGER (I stress again, ONE finger). And the popcorn tub dropped. No, to be more accurate, it FLEW out of Wuf's hands, FLEW into a HIGH ARC / trajectory, and landed face-down 2 rows in front. It would have flown further, had one end of the tub not touch the tip of the seat. What happened next I can still vaguely remember. Wuf screamed and covered her face with her hands in horror. The cleaners around us gasped in horror and moaned (they had only just finished sweeping that area before it was showered with popcorn). I stared in shock at the scenario before me, trying to recall what exactly had happened. Then I replayed the trajectory arc of the Flying Popcorn Tub in my mind and I started laughing so hard that I collapsed back onto my seat-- I couldn't help it, it was so hilarious. After Wuf apologised to the cleaners in embarrassment, we quickly made our way out. End of the Popcorn episode. (it greatly consoles me that the popcorn that was spilled, was going to be thrown into the dustbin anyway)

5. Outing / cycling at East Coast Park; today (Friday): Went cycling at East Coast Park with Renyi and Liew Qi. Fun-ness! I just so love cycling! As I recall, I can almost feel the cool wind in my hair again, and that exhilaration as I sped downhill...The joys of cycling. The joy of speed, and that of the silent, light swiftness. Unfortunately, we didn't get to kayak. Maybe I'll go kayaking some day when I'm free. =) *loves water sports*

6. UWC student: I think we learned quite a bit about Mexico today, as well as its past, and status quo. It was rather weird and overly formal, because we were all sitting in our seats like normal lessons, and (worst of all) we actually did the "Class stand, class bow, class greet. Good morning Mr. Hugo" thing! Argh, and all of us raised our hands before we asked questions and some even stood up to speak! I mean, err yeah, respect is there (right smack in your face), but...he's just a student! And it's supposed to be a cultural exchange. So much for student exchanges... Ah well....

7. Speeches: Ah, I really like English lessons! Nowadays we either watch movies (think "Joy Luck Club", which I really like) or we do impromptu speeches (hurrah for speeches, both prepared and impromptu!), which I just so happen to like a lot. The title of my prepared speech was "Youth is sweet, and we are growing", which's a quote from Aristotle. It's basically about treasuring our youth. Miss Ng actually marked it quite high. No wait, she gave me a really good grade--much better than what I expected. Haha, can't wait for her to burn the video she took of us into vcd so I can watch how funny I look when I give speeches. My second speech was an impromptu speech on the importance of a smile in our lives. Ha ha. My third speech was an impromptu speech on women's issues. I kind of made a weird speech -- not the normal argumentative speech but a narrative-like story of "my" previous lives....Ha ha.

8. Random gushings on icecream: Ice-cream is heavenly! Let's see. Haagen-Daz icecream is nice, but I prefer those just-made ones, instead of those in tubs sold at super-markets. E.g. Venezia and Hans Anderson's icecreams are really really mouth-watering! Gorgeous ice-cream, yum, yum!

I suppose that's the end of the blogging. Till next time, ciao!

Saturday, March 27, 2004
I'm highly encouraged by the tags, so I shall blog. =)

let's see. March hols: quite fun. on the first Saturday, there was a spar against Anglican 2, and we found that their speakers weren't so scary after all -- in fact they were rather nice. On Tuesday, there was a spar against Cat High 2, the motion being : This House would Legalise Gay Marriages. *grins* with us being the Opp, of course. (Side-Note: It seems whenever we spar with Cat High we'll get motions concerning homosexuality, and they'll get the gay side of the motion. Just a side-note, nothing implied.) After which, there was a party for A Div Debaters, which was rather fun too, just that towards the end, the momentum tapered off and I found that I was dying to quickly go home and sleep. Friday I went to 'Manda's house to prep for JGs and we had a great time, finished the case-set, before 'manda and I went to Junction 8 to play. the DDR part was fun, the car-racing part wasn't fun, because the car-racing at the J8 arcade was too draggy and long (18 minutes for one race!) DDR is fun! Of course, that's when you have a range of songs to select, not just the same 2nd ReMix.

Sadly, the holidays have passed all too soon and it's the start of school again. Coupled with JGs, I could hardly cope through this week, and fatigue is showing on my face *panda eyes*. And yes, the JGs.

We didn't get in. We lost to SCGS 1. It just had to happen. It was so much like the 1st round against IJTP, which we lost too. The same type of motions. The same side of the House. The same kind of stylistically superior team. Almost like a premonition. A brief moment of victory a few weeks past, and now the feeling of defeat sets in again. Claudia tells us, don't be sad, there's still a long way to go, you've just started debating this year, you've still got next year. Yes, I suppose that's true. Yes, we've still got another year to go. We'll make sure we make it into the quarters and (hopefully) the semi's next year. Thanks, Ram, Yvette, seniors, Team 1, and juniors. (and of course, Mr Chan) And I'm really happy that Team 1's ranked 2nd! Hope they make it all the way to finals. You're fantastic, Team 1. =)

And there's the Flag Day today. I came rather late (reached around 10.30, as I had a headache in the morning.) but managed to fill 1/4 of the tin in around 1 or 2 hours. (it's quite an achievement :p) Was selling flags alone at this open terrace above Marina Square, but after a while, I had some (but not a lot) of my business stolen by some evil Chi High people. Finally after collecting considerable amount of money, I made my way back to Orchard, along the way, I met several people, and finally met Renyi and went along with her for lunch at Taka. Though it was swelteringly hot, at the end of the day, I don't think selling flags was as bothersome as I dreaded it to be. Well at least I learnt a few things: 1. The girls are nicer. :p that's because generally, females empathise more and donate money. 2. The pleasant-looking aunties with sweet little kids are nice and will donate money. 3. It's much nicer, and more efficient, to sell flags in pairs or in little groups.

Mom's getting crankier every day. She's pissed with me because she thinks I'm getting too involved with Debates and she thinks Debates is totally unimportant and that only mugging and finishing homework and i-don't-know-what-crap is important. Nagging and complaining every single day -- I can't stand it. Well, now I can't get into the Quarters, she better be happy now -- that's what she wants isn't it? All that crap about studying -- that's not all that matters.

I want to go away. Away, to some distant countries. Alone, or with friends, maybe. Get away from home, get away from school, tests, homework, stress. A w a y .

Monday, March 15, 2004
Macdonald's and fast food is a temptation we must overcome. --random quote by me. :p

I've temporarily changed back to the previous layout --the current layout just won't load! Dinner today (catering food) was horrible. Mom's cooking is waay better.

Towards the later part of today, I was doing my AEP homework, and curiously, whenever I do art, be it drawing or painting, I feel a sense of satisfaction, I feel at ease with myself. And speaking of AEP...I can't help but recall the 2 AEP "camps" I've had so far...the Sec 1 Fashion Design AEP Camp and the Sec 2 Glass Tape Art AEP workshop.

In a certain sense, the Sec 1 AEP camp was much more enjoyable than the Sec 2 one. perhaps the previous spanned over 2 days, and the camaraderie was stronger, as each group worked to design costumes and put up a skit displaying the costumes at the end of the 2 days. Now I recall the vague faces of the group members of other schools, faces I'd known for those 2 memorable days, but have never seen again. (except, of course, those in my school). Just like the trajectory of comets, coming so close for a moment, before spinning off in their separate courses again, almost never to meet again. Leaving only a temporary etch in the dark canvas of the universe, a lingering memory in my mind.

Thinking back, all I recall, is a strongly bonded group and much fun and laughter. Oh yes, it was hilarious, the play! The theme for our fashion design camp was "Superheroes". Which meant, we had to design costumes for superheroes and supervillains too. Which also meant, since we had to make the costumes ourselves, we had to be practical and resort to cutting garbage bags. At the end of it, we came up with a silly script, and I was *thankfully* the narrator (who was too caught up giggling at the play anyway). The superhero was dressed in some white costume, and he was supposed to retrieve some treasure for the queen (hail Stella!), his mother. And Stella actually ordered the poor guy to kneel in front of her (impromptu) on stage, and he had no choice but to obey so as not to screw up the play. The villain, on the other hand, was this other guy dressed in black. And oh, guess what his mode of weapon was? ..air pollution...hang on, it does not describe it well enough. DISCLAIMER: I, in NO way, came up with the idea. The idea is ALL accredited to the guy acting the villain himself. Anyway, he was the, erm, erm, Evil Stinky Armpit-hair Man. *laughs* Yes its all very lame. You can imagine what the costume is like already. The other plays were very interesting too.

As for the 2nd AEP workshop...well, what can I say. It was more a workshop than a camp. Less fun. But still rather interesting on the whole. We literally stuck coloured tape on the glass walls of the Glass Hall at Singapore Art Museum, presented it, then peeled the tape away again. Still, it was rather fun.

I just wish there's another AEP Camp this year.

What can I say? .....I like Art. I like AEP. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2004
debates. RMUN. yay.

and I finished creating designs for my very own tshirt, using Adobe Photoshop. Will send them for printing soon. I just love art. Don't we all? =)

Golden Rain

The sky's a golden brown;
birds are crying out.
And the white lace curtain's dyed a golden hue too --
a shimmering golden haze.

Rain, golden strands of silk cascading ceaselessly;
Mist...an amber hue, merging trees and buildings into the same canvas.

All fade, in the distance...

The oneness,
the peacefulness of the storm.
The rhythm of the thunder claps,
the brilliance of the lighting.
The harmony,
the beauty,
the orchestra of the storm.

m u s i c I've never heard,
not in a long,

Perhaps I've just never noticed
the simple hues of the evening sky,
the mist the rain always brings, hanging all around,
or listened to the sound of the falling rain.

Perhaps I've just never noticed
the drawings in the w h i t e ness,
or the music in the silence.

Or the joy in everyday's life.

P.S. it was never meant to be a poem, just a random entry. But since it turned out this way, I just added a title and let's call it a poem.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004
I think I am breaking under stress... Spirit, vibrancy...it's deserting me. It is only my dreams which sustain. And now, they are slowly deserting me too..

All (or at least most of) my dreams are destroyed, destroyed by hectic schedules that keep me bound...destroyed by the constraints of society that keep me caged. One of my greatest dream of childhood -- to study in an international boarding school in Switzerland, surrounded by the cool mountain air everyday. Is that going to be fulfilled? ... no. So many ideas I have, so many, turned to naught. Why? ... again, the standard answer: busy life, AEP, homework, schoolwork, tests, exams, and all of those. It is true. Sad, but true.

I am losing direction...sometimes the line between reality and the surreal becomes blurred, the air ..the buzzing in the air..what's that?..Lights in the distance..or fluorescent harsh lights right overhead? Sometimes the dreams are my life. they are the reality. Waking dreams...fled, the music.

My grades are sliding, just as my spirit sinks day by day too. What is this life come to?

(never mind me. I'm just dazed and depressed.)

What I truly want -- a break away from school, from homework and tests, from nagging parents and irksome sisters. A time to do what I truly want, a time when I'm finally free.

Saturday, February 21, 2004
whoopy doop! (never mind..I am insane) The VCs prelim round was over yesterday! It's a pity we didn't get into the semi's, but a consolation is that only 4 super-zai teams managed to get in. Ranked 1st, ACSI. (which won all matches) 2nd, Cat High. 3rd, MGS. 4th, RI. In the semi's, ACSI will meet with RI (yes yes, the traditional arch-rivals), Cat High will meet with MGS. It's a pity I cannot go watch the finals (which will be extremely interesting and enriching) because of Chi Orch practice on that day. =( I can't even go for the NY spar with ACSI on Tuesday because of Chi Orch, again.

All in all, the VCs, despite us not getting into the finals, proved to be a very enriching and fun experience for me. It really was very fun! and funny. I got much experience and exposure from that. Well, after the VCs, I can say at least that I've tried all 3 speaker roles. Right from the beginning of training this year, I tried 1st speaker. For JGs round 1, I was 3rd speaker. For VCs, I was 2nd speaker. Actually I find 2nd and 3rd speaker more interesting. 1st (especially prop) speaker's less scary -- you've got all your substantives. the only thing's the delivery and the POIs. For 2nd speaker, you've to organise rebuttals into issues, the rebuttals bit is rather unexpected (especially for impromptus) but at the end of the day, there's still the substantives to save you. The only bit that I don't like is....the Reply Speech!!! I can't do reply speeches for nuts -- I always always run into OVERTIME (I mean, you've got so little time, only 3 mins!) Either that, or I somehow manage to turn the reply speech into a 3rd speaker's rebuttal speech. As for 3rd speaker...what can I say. It's just totally impromptu. There has to be much structure and organisation, which I unfortunately don't possess. Aileen's a really excellent 3rd speaker! She's charming, and organises issues well. I do wish I can learn from her. I need to brush up on my style. As for my "chinese" accent...I can't do much about it, it just pops up when I lose myself while speaking. :S

(wow, this is the first time in months that I'm really blogging substantially.)

Basically, Ram (our almighty coach) told us that entering the VCs was not about winning or losing, but to actually give us more exposure, that was why the VCs team consisted almost entirely of Team 2 members, except for Aileen (best speaker) who saved the day for us all. So anyway, our first match was against Chinese High. (It seems funny, but Chi High and NY always seem to be facing each other in first rounds of competitions). We proposed This House Would Compromise Civil Liberties for National Security, which they on the other side of the House challenged. After a close debate, we won, with Aileen clinching Best Speaker (why am I not surprised? :P) The adjudicator actually said I was "charming"! Wow, that's a FIRST.*loves the adjudicator*

For Round 2, we faced RI, which proposed that This House Would Place the Environment over the Economy, while we opposed, taking the stand that we would place the Economy over the Environment. Basically I was just in a wacko mood that day, and went on speaking about "the poor innocent children dropping dead like flies every second as I speak now" and how we are all "friends of the Earth, but not friends of our own Mankind". Somehow "why should they care about their future generations, when they possibly cannot even reproduce" popped into my speech and ya, amused Ram and everyone else immensely. At the end, we lost the debate (it was a policy debate, and I didn't know it was). And I got a scolding from the adjudicator, who scolded both RI and NY for a "messy debate".

Round 3 was the most amusing and most screwed-up of all the 3 debates. It was against Cat High, with Cat High proposing that This House Believes that the Government has No Role to Play in the Citizens' Sexual Morality, and with Nanyang opposing. Basically it was the Liberals (them) VS the Conservatives (us). As expected (with such a motion like this), the whole debate was rather "sexually explicit, and not suited for children below 12 yrs of age as well as the faint-hearted" as the Cat High 1st Speaker said at the beginning of his sick and amusing speech. Oh, guess what? the Cat High 2nd Speaker actually said that they've "tried out indecent sex before (the debate) with Durex, and (they) tell us, it's extremely addictive." On his point that anal sex was perfectly alright and not detrimental, I POIed "But don't you see, sir, anuses are not built to facilitate penises". And then I wanted to POI to ask for evidence of erm, this example, but just as well that he turned down the POI. Oh. the 2nd speaker's extremely amusing. In his reply speech, he stood before a table to deliver his speech, and he actually said, "I find this table extremely smooth and addictive, and I want to do something to it" *noise pollution* During my speech, I somehow managed to mention (rebutting their point on freedom of choice) the stupid example of "if you want to have sex with a nun but the nun doesn't want, if you go on with your freedom of choice, won't you eventually have a clash with consent?" *noise pollution again* which was very stupid of me and which I got scolded for later. Then as I was talking about what, only the minority wanting to have indecent sex, the Cat High 2nd Speaker POIed and said, "well, all of us (referring to the cat high speakers) here want to have indecent sex" and I replied, "well then, I'm sorry to say that you belong to the small but rather sad bunch of deprived individuals" (Oooops.) *intense noise pollution, till the Judges yell "Order, order!!!"* The Cat High 3rd Speaker started his speech with "Ladies and gentlemen, you see, we are all products of sex". Another POI, "But sir, we are not products of homo-sex!" *further noise pollution*. ok, maybe I'm not that innocent after all :P. Then Vic, in her 3rd speaker speech, mentions something about "having sex with dogs". Ooops, now you see what debate this actually is. Obviously we lost to Cat High, but I rather enjoyed this highly amusing debate.

I think I shall end this very lengthy post. Bye all!

Monday, February 09, 2004
here are the lyrics to some really great love songs. Belongs to the oldies type, but not really very old. Less focus on beats and more focus on lovely melody and lyrics. You might want to dedicate these songs to your Loved ones on Valentine's Day. Gold 90 FM (at least that's the station which plays these songs). or Class 95.

Hope you like it too.

Sometimes when We Touch
Barry Mannilow, Dan Hill

You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I’d rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
In what you say or do
I’m only just beginning
To see the real you

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty’s too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance and all it’s strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through all the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I’m just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty’s too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

At times I’d like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I’d like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you try
I watched while love commands you
And I’ve watched love pass you by
At times I think we’re drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty’s too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold ya till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

The Lady In Red
Chris de Burgh
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright,
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing,
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,
I have been blind;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side,
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
And I have never had such a feeling,
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;

I never will forget the way you look tonight...
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red,

I love you...

Purest Of Pain (A Puro Dolor)
Son By Four
I’m sorry didn’t meant to call you but I couldn’t fight it
I guess I was weak...I couldn’t even hide it
And so I surrender, just to hear your voice (just to hear your voice)
I know there may be times I said I’m gonna live without you
Maybe someone else is standing there beside you
But there’s something baby that you need to know
That deep inside me, I feel like I’m dying (I feel like...)
I have to see you, it’s all that I’m asking...

(Baby)...give me back my fantasy
The courage that I need to learn
The air that I breathe
(Living without you)My world’s become so ending
The days are so cold and lonely
Each night I taste...the purest of pain

I wish I could tell you I’m feeling better everyday
That I didn’t hurt when you walked away
But to tell you the truth I can’t find my way
That deep inside me, I feel like I’m dying (I feel like)
I have to see you, it’s all that I’m asking...

(Baby)...give me back my fantasy
The courage that I need to learn
The air that I breathe
(Living without you)My world’s become so ending
The days are so cold and lonely
Each night I taste...the purest of pain


(Baby)...give me back my fantasy
The courage that I need to learn
The air that I breathe
(Living without you)My world’s become so ending
The days are so cold and lonely
Each night I taste...the purest of pain

I’m sorry didn’t meant to call you but I couldn’t fight it
I guess I was weak...I couldn’t even hide it
And so I surrender...just to hear your voice

"And though he never, ever cried,
a tear slid down his freckled nose,
dropped onto his upturned tongue,
satisfied his thirst to know what
growing up can be.
"It is salty," said he; "I need Wendy."
For Wendy would mend his shadow again
and never again would he or she
confuse kisses with thimbles."

-- quoted from the poem "Said Peter Pan to His Mirror". In commemoration of Valentine's Day. Even the Boy who Never Grew Up needed love. the full poem can be found in the Mon, Dec 15 2003 post.

Valentine's Day is coming soon -- this Saturday, 14th Feb. To commemorate the event, I've posted this really interesting article on "how to say I Love You in 100 languages" below -- people who want to communicate your appreciation to your whoever in a special way, feel free to cope from the list.

Hope all of you will enjoy Valentine's Day, whether you have a Whoever or not. If you don't have that special whoever, you can still spend it with all your friends, or your family, or just with yourself (like, listening to the radio teeming with love songs, and close your eyes and i m a g i n e. It helps.)

p.s. michy, veron, wuf, etc etc, are you free to go Iceskating with me after the Moot parliament thingy? We can catch The Last Samurai too. Or bowl instead. if not... then never mind

How to say I Love You in 100 Languages

English - I love you

Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief

Albanian - Te dua

Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)

Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)

Armenian - Yes kez sirumen

Bambara - M'bi fe

Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi

Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu

Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo

Bulgarian - Obicham te

Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah

Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a

Catalan - T'estimo

Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse

Chichewa - Ndimakukonda

Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)

Creol - Mi aime jou

Croatian - Volim te

Czech - Miluji te

Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig

Dutch - Ik hou van jou

Esperanto - Mi amas vin

Estonian - Ma armastan sind

Ethiopian - Afgreki'

Faroese - Eg elski teg

Farsi - Doset daram

Filipino - Mahal kita

Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua

French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore

Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort

Georgian - Mikvarhar

German - Ich liebe dich

Greek - S'agapo

Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo

Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw

Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi

Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)

Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)

Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw

Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae

Hmong - Kuv hlub koj

Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta

Hungarian - Szeretlek

Icelandic - Eg elska tig

Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw

Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu

Inuit - Negligevapse

Irish - Taim i' ngra leat

Italian - Ti amo

Japanese - Aishiteru

Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene

Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka

Kiswahili - Nakupenda

Konkani - Tu magel moga cho

Korean - Sarang Heyo

Latin - Te amo

Latvian - Es tevi miilu

Lebanese - Bahibak

Lithuanian - Tave myliu

Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu

Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu

Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni

Marathi - Me tula prem karto

Mohawk - Kanbhik

Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik

Nahuatl - Ni mits neki

Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni

Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg

Pandacan - Syota na kita!!

Pangasinan - Inaru Taka

Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo

Persian - Doo-set daaram

Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay

Polish - Kocham Ciebie

Portuguese - Eu te amo

Romanian - Te ubesk

Russian - Ya tebya liubliu

Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort

Serbian - Volim te

Setswana - Ke a go rata

Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')

Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan

Sioux - Techihhila

Slovak - Lu`bim ta

Slovenian - Ljubim te

Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo

Swahili - Ninapenda wewe

Swedish - Jag alskar dig

Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di

Tagalog - Mahal kita

Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li

Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe

Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen

Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu

Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)

Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)

Turkish - Seni Seviyorum

Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu

Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo

Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)

Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)

Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu

Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh

Yoruba - Mo ni fe

50 Most Romantic/Sweet Things To Do For Your “Girlfriend/Boyfriend”

Watch the sunset together.

Whisper to each other.

Cook for each other.

Walk in the rain.

Hold hands.

Buy gifts for each other.


Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together.

Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.

Write poetry for each other.

Hugs are the universal medicine.

Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.

Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.

Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie.

Spend every second possible together.

Look into each other's eyes.

Very lightly push up her chin, look into herm eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.

When in public, only flirt w/ each other.

Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.

Buy her a ring.

Sing to each other.

Always hold her around her hips/sides.

Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal.

Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)

Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.

Dance together.

I love the way a girl looks right after she's fallen asleep with her head in my lap.

Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it.

Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes

Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you.

Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.

Remember your dreams and tell her about them.

Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.

Be Prince Charming to her parents. (Brownie Points)

Brush her hair out of her face for her.

Hang out with his/her friends. (more brownie points)

Go to church/pray/worship together.

Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked.

Learn from each other and don't make the same mistake twice.

Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.

Make sacrifices for each other.

Really love each other, or don't stay together.

Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about them, and make sure they know it.

Love yourself before you love anyone else.

Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.

Dedicate songs to them on the radio.

Fall asleep on the phone with each other.

Stand up for them when someone talks trash.

Never forget the kiss goodnight.

Always remember to say “ I love you “ Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Goody! I've just finished writing a letter for a petition. It's for parents to sign. A petition to the principal to let the IP girls take more than 1 attachment programme rather than waiting for 6 months for a long overdue attachment programme. Go me! =)

You see that I am so lazy to blog, that I am reduced to cutting and pasting bits of information that I like. -_-" Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year to all! here's a story found in an email that just makes my day. =) MCPs, go look at this and think (though MCPs in general do not really think hard. They are just led by their prejudices.)

Beauty of a Woman

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.

"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said: "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

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